Thursday, October 18, 2007

MAC Brushes, A Jewish Rapper, and Naima

Ok so before we get to my current musical obsessions, let's take a look at what crap I am currently smearing on my face.

1. MAC 266 Small Angled Brush & Matte Eyshadow in Espresso
Some things are just meant to go together. Without eachother, they're kind of out of place and not half as awesome. I mean take for example:

Harry and Ron

Ben and Jerry

and Jay-Z and Beyonce

Those pairings are perfect, they're timeless, and they can never go wrong. And just like Jay and B, the team of MAC 266 Angled Brush with MAC matte eyeshadow in Espresso is so fly it hurts.

With the brush, I draw the eyeshadow along my top and bottom lashes, and seriously, it's so much better than pencil, liquid, or gel. It's soft, and you avoid that super-lined raccoon look. It looks a lot more natural, but not in that "I'm a cosmetic prude and I hate wearing makeup" way. You look a lot better, it's just not as obvious that you're wearing makeup. Also, the brush and the eyeshadow last forever. I got mine as a gift like 2 years ago and they're still as good as new. And believe me, I've used the shit out of them. Oh, and I realize the shade in the picture is like, purple. Somehow I couldn't find an espresso picture, but believe me, it's the best brown ever.

2. Next, I'd like to talk about the song that I play when I'm getting ready, the wonderful "Jane Fonda" by Mickey Avalon. I seriously love this guy. You've probably already heard of him, because I kind of jumped on the bandwagon late. I assumed he was kind of like Lupe Fiasco or some shit like that, and I steered clear. But he's so not. He's this little Jewish guy who looks like a glam rocker and talks like a girly little folk singer.
But he has an acid tongue on stage. Jane Fonda is the kind of rap (or is it hip hop? I have no idea) I like: playful, dirty, and with a catchy chorus. It also mentions John Coltrane. I constantly find myself bobbing my head to the beat, which is really not conducive to good makeup application, but whatever. Mickey is worth me looking like a crackwhore. My favorite line is "I had a princess, queen of incest/She was inbred but Jean had big breasts/And big eyes and a big ass to match/Jean wasn't fat, she was easy to catch." Classic.

3. On the complete opposite end of the musical spectrum, we have my other favorite song right now: "Naima" by John Coltrane. I have to admit, I'm not the biggest fan of jazz. Oh sure, I'll say I love Miles Davis and Jelly Roll Morton and the rest when I'm in some kind of classy situation where I want to sound like a sophisticated person who doesn't enjoy artists like the above one, but I honestly don't listen to it that much, except when I'm doing work or sleeping. I like it as background music, but I can't just sit down and enjoy it. But Naima is actually good. Apparently Naima from America's Next Top Model was named after the song, which is pretty cool, so points to her parents. The song is so relaxing and it's so smooth. Plus you get music-snob street cred for liking this song, just because it's John Coltrane, and he was one badass mofo.


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